Single Deck Blackjack Expected Values

The tables on this page give expected values for all blackjack options in a single deck game. The table is divided into sections for each possible dealer up card. Results for Ace and Ten are conditional on the dealer not having blackjack.


Full Game Analysis

The following two tables provide expected values for full game of single-deck blackjack calculated from the Expected Value Tables listed below (and using the table for exact splitting calculations). The two tables are for dealers that stand on or hit soft 17. In each table, the two left columns are games that allow doubling down on any two cards while the right two columns are games that restrict doubling down to hard hands of 10 and 11 only. Within each half, the ND column is when doubling down is not allowed after splitting while the DD column is when doubling down is allowed after splitting. Entries in bold are game rules that are favorable to a basic-strategy player.

Dealer stands soft 17

OptionsDD any two hands DD 10&11 only
Base - No Resplit-0.02827%0.10066%-0.29640%-0.19042%
Resplit, except Aces-0.01131%0.12948%-0.27944%-0.16375%
Resplit aces too0.01988%0.16067%-0.24825%-0.13256%
Prohibit Splitting-0.38485% -0.65595%

Dealer hits soft 17

OptionsDD any two hands DD 10&11 only
Base - No Resplit-0.22226%-0.09109%-0.49888%-0.39096%
Resplit, except Aces-0.20567%-0.06239%-0.48229%-0.36441%
Resplit aces too-0.17457%-0.03129%-0.45119%-0.33331%
Prohibit Splitting-0.57444% -0.85433%

Expected Value Tables

These tables can be generated using the Blackjack software with the following commands and then combining the results. The last six commands are the exact splitting calculations and take a long time.

Blackjack -SHDA -c 18 -o part1.txt
Blackjack -SHDA -c 18 -h -i1f6 -o part2.txt
Blackjack -E2 -c 23 -o part3a.txt
Blackjack -E3 -c 23 -o part3b.txt
Blackjack -E4 -c 23 -o part3c.txt
Blackjack -E2 -c 23 -h -i1f6 -o part4a.txt
Blackjack -E3 -c 23 -h -i1f6 -o part4b.txt
Blackjack -E4 -c 23 -h -i1f6 -o part4c.txt

Dealer Up Card 1

Dealer stands soft 17
Results conditioned on dealer not having blackjack


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 -0.663142
2 -0.661733 -0.660049
3 -0.661047 -0.659375 -0.660147
4 -0.658817 -0.658711 -0.657966 -0.655759
5 -0.659151 -0.657528 -0.656761 -0.654533 -0.653287
6 -0.482815 -0.63916 -0.638344 -0.636118 -0.634013 -0.617011
7 -0.101015 -0.645558 -0.644759 -0.641782 -0.640619 -0.623767 -0.630502
8 0.289743 -0.651888 -0.650336 -0.648266 -0.647202 -0.630436 -0.637158 -0.643532
9 0.680745 -0.65716 -0.656577 -0.654533 -0.65343 -0.636809 -0.643246 -0.451875 -0.055174
10 1.5 -0.672788 -0.672168 -0.670237 -0.669157 -0.652909 -0.46704 -0.0820202 0.307676 0.650097


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 -0.0306844
2 -0.0678075 -0.258901
3 -0.100568 -0.291566 -0.333963
4 -0.153931 -0.334901 -0.345048 -0.208972
5 -0.206061 -0.331115 -0.217134 -0.0702152 0.0905611
6 -0.199924 -0.225773 -0.0784948 0.0815061 0.172946 -0.386204
7 -0.108386 -0.0827849 0.0868426 0.171306 -0.376769 -0.443347 -0.494721
8 -0.0172421 0.0864475 0.17092 -0.374915 -0.43303 -0.45339 -0.455656 -0.494905
9 0.067505 0.169644 -0.374484 -0.383075 -0.441215 -0.495853 -0.495493 -0.544608 -0.624843
10 0.152526 -0.348923 -0.392503 -0.444961 -0.498741 -0.50875 -0.555802 -0.633177 -0.742645 -0.883183


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 -0.598755
2 -0.593281 -1.3201
3 -0.595803 -1.31875 -1.29818
4 -0.619882 -1.29566 -1.12642 -0.796496
5 -0.656069 -1.12524 -0.793966 -0.395772 0.0551481
6 -0.527213 -0.799097 -0.40133 0.0486142 0.240258 -0.834602
7 -0.357778 -0.402058 0.0401776 0.22204 -0.837457 -0.937179 -1.02934
8 -0.192057 0.0250827 0.205671 -0.846661 -0.930926 -0.941764 -0.928015 -0.989811
9 -0.0406563 0.188934 -0.858218 -0.83802 -0.920605 -1.00837 -0.990987 -1.08922 -1.24969
10 0.145194 -0.81093 -0.859049 -0.931613 -1.0129 -1.0175 -1.1116 -1.26635 -1.48529 -1.76637


RS means replitting allowed or not allowed.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

RS No No No Yes Yes Yes
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.223931 0.223931 0.223931 0.261098 0.261098 0.261098
2,2 -0.427834 -0.421366 -0.421366 -0.442163 -0.434745 -0.434745
3,3 -0.471347 -0.462243 -0.462243 -0.481322 -0.471038 -0.471038
4,4 -0.547373 -0.535358 -0.535358 -0.577452 -0.563999 -0.563999
5,5 -0.648455 -0.633159 -0.633159 -0.716092 -0.69904 -0.69904
6,6 -0.637989 -0.621394 -0.621394 -0.658528 -0.639946 -0.639946
7,7 -0.606933 -0.595329 -0.595329 -0.612259 -0.599358 -0.599358
8,8 -0.340318 -0.333718 -0.333718 -0.325738 -0.318543 -0.318543
9,9 -0.0721454 -0.0705437 -0.0705437 -0.0725675 -0.0710757 -0.0710757
10,10 0.0985433 0.0985433 0.0985433 -0.350417 -0.350417 -0.350417

EXACT SPLITTING (Unique Hands Method)

MH means maximum number of split hands.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

MH 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.223932 0.223932 0.223932 0.261074 0.261074 0.261074 0.261074 0.261074 0.261074
2,2 -0.427834 -0.421365 -0.421365 -0.441544 -0.434265 -0.434265 -0.442273 -0.434935 -0.434935
3,3 -0.471347 -0.462243 -0.462243 -0.480953 -0.470825 -0.470825 -0.481365 -0.471167 -0.471167
4,4 -0.547373 -0.535358 -0.535358 -0.575658 -0.562365 -0.562365 -0.577198 -0.563821 -0.563821
5,5 -0.648455 -0.633159 -0.633159 -0.711842 -0.694962 -0.694962 -0.715392 -0.698411 -0.698411
6,6 -0.637988 -0.621394 -0.621394 -0.657693 -0.639233 -0.639233 -0.658692 -0.640104 -0.640104
7,7 -0.606933 -0.595329 -0.595329 -0.611805 -0.598957 -0.598957 -0.611818 -0.598886 -0.598886
8,8 -0.340317 -0.333718 -0.333718 -0.325769 -0.318552 -0.318552 -0.324889 -0.317635 -0.317635
9,9 -0.0721452 -0.0705435 -0.0705435 -0.0717767 -0.0701863 -0.0701863 -0.0716589 -0.070078 -0.070078
10,10 0.0985434 0.0985434 0.0985434 -0.186974 -0.186974 -0.186974 -0.354749 -0.354749 -0.354749

Dealer Up Card 2

Dealer stands soft 17


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 -0.274328
2 -0.282715 -0.290803
3 -0.284213 -0.293291 -0.294868
4 -0.283156 -0.290968 -0.292521 -0.290134
5 -0.266381 -0.274155 -0.275744 -0.273342 -0.255916
6 -0.131768 -0.277109 -0.278475 -0.275236 -0.258788 -0.261714
7 0.135802 -0.28023 -0.280806 -0.278424 -0.26207 -0.265046 -0.268309
8 0.401626 -0.282093 -0.283578 -0.281307 -0.264895 -0.2678 -0.272058 -0.274814
9 0.655985 -0.286594 -0.288031 -0.285726 -0.269315 -0.273299 -0.276549 -0.136522 0.137056
10 1.5 -0.310994 -0.312391 -0.310108 -0.294784 -0.297666 -0.15813 0.118876 0.384833 0.627224


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0.094776
2 0.0392454 -0.113174
3 0.0169118 -0.131387 -0.152949
4 -0.0116985 -0.150709 -0.122958 -0.0126163
5 -0.0317254 -0.0993691 -0.0165249 0.0933356 0.223861
6 0.00709627 -0.0129974 0.0921474 0.217492 0.284029 -0.252672
7 0.0652465 0.0834867 0.214419 0.272339 -0.252633 -0.331967 -0.406389
8 0.120028 0.213044 0.268216 -0.259827 -0.331283 -0.362617 -0.390379 -0.454094
9 0.190761 0.263585 -0.266256 -0.293009 -0.358927 -0.430258 -0.455975 -0.530172 -0.627498
10 0.247089 -0.243413 -0.304216 -0.368779 -0.43622 -0.465397 -0.538454 -0.632538 -0.749661 -0.846661


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 -0.0193617
2 -0.0420227 -0.581603
3 -0.0467901 -0.58658 -0.567471
4 -0.0699827 -0.560134 -0.429085 -0.184578
5 -0.08185 -0.401784 -0.167803 0.113505 0.446439
6 0.0133179 -0.162785 0.111871 0.432182 0.567182 -0.505343
7 0.127575 0.1174 0.425975 0.54176 -0.505267 -0.663934 -0.812777
8 0.237191 0.424479 0.533568 -0.519654 -0.662565 -0.725233 -0.780757 -0.908188
9 0.379764 0.524827 -0.532512 -0.586018 -0.717854 -0.860515 -0.911951 -1.06034 -1.255
10 0.486974 -0.486826 -0.608432 -0.737558 -0.872439 -0.930793 -1.07691 -1.26508 -1.49932 -1.69332


RS means replitting allowed or not allowed.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

RS No No No Yes Yes Yes
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.565702 0.565702 0.565702 0.638984 0.638984 0.638984
2,2 -0.128398 -0.0393127 -0.0475525 -0.128917 -0.0357661 -0.0445043
3,3 -0.19714 -0.112308 -0.116105 -0.200005 -0.107337 -0.111545
4,4 -0.23594 -0.149759 -0.153659 -0.255684 -0.161573 -0.165878
5,5 -0.231717 -0.156772 -0.162512 -0.271034 -0.210412 -0.216862
6,6 -0.218896 -0.121724 -0.131598 -0.212909 -0.106223 -0.117453
7,7 -0.162584 -0.0728637 -0.079371 -0.152517 -0.0543695 -0.0616549
8,8 0.0167251 0.0890852 0.0890852 0.0429981 0.12186 0.12186
9,9 0.170069 0.202472 0.202472 0.172362 0.207567 0.207567
10,10 0.315675 0.315675 0.315675 0.0518972 0.0518972 0.0518972

EXACT SPLITTING (Unique Hands Method)

MH means maximum number of split hands.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

MH 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.565702 0.565702 0.565702 0.635468 0.635468 0.635468 0.639246 0.639246 0.639246
2,2 -0.128397 -0.0393101 -0.0475502 -0.12895 -0.0358712 -0.0445746 -0.12895 -0.0358712 -0.0445746
3,3 -0.197137 -0.112304 -0.116102 -0.200067 -0.107944 -0.112094 -0.200181 -0.10765 -0.111821
4,4 -0.235941 -0.149759 -0.153659 -0.254727 -0.16116 -0.165412 -0.255764 -0.161787 -0.166059
5,5 -0.231716 -0.156772 -0.162512 -0.26844 -0.206998 -0.21342 -0.270361 -0.209723 -0.216194
6,6 -0.218896 -0.121724 -0.131598 -0.212879 -0.106688 -0.117868 -0.212367 -0.105632 -0.116911
7,7 -0.162585 -0.0728641 -0.0793714 -0.152514 -0.0547905 -0.0620396 -0.151898 -0.0537095 -0.0610105
8,8 0.0167248 0.089085 0.089085 0.0422662 0.120856 0.120856 0.043725 0.122665 0.122665
9,9 0.170069 0.202472 0.202472 0.172788 0.207894 0.207894 0.172931 0.208184 0.208184
10,10 0.315676 0.315676 0.315676 0.148586 0.148586 0.148586 0.0473715 0.0473715 0.0473715

Dealer Up Card 3

Dealer stands soft 17


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 -0.232312
2 -0.241149 -0.250723
3 -0.24015 -0.248452 -0.246186
4 -0.223954 -0.232274 -0.229955 -0.213731
5 -0.220512 -0.228858 -0.22653 -0.209738 -0.206172
6 -0.0932313 -0.231142 -0.227966 -0.212067 -0.208559 -0.211034
7 0.166816 -0.233899 -0.231629 -0.21571 -0.212345 -0.214771 -0.219401
8 0.419872 -0.238252 -0.235978 -0.220209 -0.216701 -0.22021 -0.223854 -0.228354
9 0.644126 -0.264052 -0.261816 -0.24598 -0.243558 -0.245987 -0.2497 -0.120663 0.122552
10 1.5 -0.267868 -0.265649 -0.25087 -0.247379 -0.249876 -0.118943 0.144413 0.383556 0.636133


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0.120265
2 0.0705431 -0.0817966
3 0.0439278 -0.0982509 -0.118136
4 0.0221456 -0.107025 -0.0823434 0.0278995
5 -0.00312036 -0.062078 0.0186909 0.140405 0.254052
6 0.0357927 0.0231122 0.138943 0.249751 0.313577 -0.222134
7 0.0934161 0.130824 0.246306 0.304526 -0.221956 -0.30403 -0.388266
8 0.172868 0.241476 0.294991 -0.229756 -0.305573 -0.34697 -0.381277 -0.449932
9 0.196433 0.269337 -0.255712 -0.280362 -0.356045 -0.432277 -0.459006 -0.535486 -0.638281
10 0.270667 -0.219299 -0.283224 -0.355684 -0.429759 -0.461402 -0.536376 -0.633654 -0.712572 -0.846301


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0.0548809
2 0.0284119 -0.501444
3 0.0108544 -0.496903 -0.472051
4 0.00262533 -0.445517 -0.323685 -0.0824668
5 -0.0192104 -0.310677 -0.0831561 0.195601 0.509561
6 0.0738944 -0.0782541 0.189257 0.500875 0.629463 -0.444269
7 0.188933 0.1946 0.49214 0.611153 -0.443911 -0.60806 -0.776531
8 0.346046 0.482476 0.590395 -0.459511 -0.611147 -0.693939 -0.762553 -0.899864
9 0.392232 0.538042 -0.511424 -0.560724 -0.712091 -0.864554 -0.918013 -1.07097 -1.27656
10 0.536348 -0.438597 -0.566449 -0.711368 -0.859517 -0.922804 -1.07275 -1.26731 -1.42514 -1.6926


RS means replitting allowed or not allowed.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

RS No No No Yes Yes Yes
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.612855 0.612855 0.612855 0.686601 0.686601 0.686601
2,2 -0.0701441 0.0290685 0.0161059 -0.0688825 0.0396479 0.0252375
3,3 -0.127583 -0.0275217 -0.0362049 -0.127567 -0.0231466 -0.0322172
4,4 -0.123036 -0.0158384 -0.0268193 -0.135482 -0.0183146 -0.0304103
5,5 -0.146072 -0.0559218 -0.0680996 -0.180153 -0.106137 -0.119632
6,6 -0.132663 -0.013677 -0.0326962 -0.124344 0.00620965 -0.0150199
7,7 -0.0789588 0.0295198 0.00705022 -0.0652095 0.0539401 0.0287607
8,8 0.0817324 0.161814 0.161814 0.109815 0.197192 0.197192
9,9 0.170369 0.211551 0.211551 0.17318 0.217694 0.217694
10,10 0.364448 0.364448 0.364448 0.128528 0.128528 0.128528

EXACT SPLITTING (Unique Hands Method)

MH means maximum number of split hands.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

MH 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.612855 0.612855 0.612855 0.68304 0.68304 0.68304 0.686841 0.686841 0.686841
2,2 -0.0701432 0.0290697 0.016107 -0.0690941 0.0387681 0.0245178 -0.0690329 0.0393212 0.0249888
3,3 -0.127583 -0.0275217 -0.036205 -0.127644 -0.0232815 -0.0323384 -0.127644 -0.0232815 -0.0323384
4,4 -0.123036 -0.0158384 -0.0268193 -0.134378 -0.0177691 -0.0298125 -0.134928 -0.017782 -0.0298908
5,5 -0.146072 -0.0559217 -0.0680995 -0.177649 -0.102671 -0.116127 -0.179259 -0.105188 -0.118728
6,6 -0.132663 -0.0136772 -0.0326964 -0.124162 0.0058613 -0.0153119 -0.123591 0.00709888 -0.0142252
7,7 -0.0789592 0.0295195 0.00704975 -0.0653034 0.0533492 0.028297 -0.06445 0.0548212 0.0295874
8,8 0.0817322 0.161814 0.161814 0.108886 0.195962 0.195962 0.110432 0.197907 0.197907
9,9 0.170369 0.21155 0.21155 0.17266 0.216992 0.216992 0.172686 0.217172 0.217172
10,10 0.364448 0.364448 0.364448 0.215811 0.215811 0.215811 0.124252 0.124252 0.124252

Dealer Up Card 4

Dealer stands soft 17


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 -0.178249
2 -0.18608 -0.192
3 -0.169927 -0.17585 -0.159691
4 -0.166175 -0.172106 -0.155934 -0.151694
5 -0.163592 -0.169574 -0.152839 -0.14888 -0.146291
6 -0.0366668 -0.171327 -0.155476 -0.151621 -0.149063 -0.151883
7 0.203974 -0.176727 -0.160913 -0.157223 -0.154588 -0.158372 -0.163937
8 0.41549 -0.202468 -0.186682 -0.182858 -0.181302 -0.184079 -0.18959 -0.215266
9 0.653883 -0.207033 -0.191249 -0.188473 -0.185887 -0.188622 -0.194143 -0.0844138 0.166978
10 1.5 -0.211839 -0.19711 -0.193332 -0.190687 -0.193442 -0.0643956 0.164239 0.404114 0.644848


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0.142136
2 0.110212 -0.0348423
3 0.0907537 -0.0410189 -0.0474397
4 0.0614442 -0.055247 -0.0165691 0.0978551
5 0.0379754 -0.0103205 0.0866102 0.189607 0.29491
6 0.0772734 0.0810615 0.18602 0.292761 0.351968 -0.190114
7 0.156341 0.167601 0.285178 0.342543 -0.191775 -0.27704 -0.368803
8 0.186536 0.252464 0.312584 -0.214041 -0.291821 -0.337542 -0.380045 -0.461146
9 0.229577 0.300048 -0.225501 -0.254283 -0.335518 -0.419616 -0.452966 -0.54114 -0.597002
10 0.297534 -0.193956 -0.257953 -0.336459 -0.417991 -0.454567 -0.535108 -0.597317 -0.711696 -0.846273


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0.13665
2 0.115096 -0.383999
3 0.109143 -0.351701 -0.302168
4 0.0848822 -0.323648 -0.177709 0.0441281
5 0.0625902 -0.194642 0.04109 0.297003 0.589821
6 0.154547 0.0233082 0.289636 0.585522 0.703937 -0.380228
7 0.312682 0.271814 0.570355 0.685085 -0.383551 -0.55408 -0.737606
8 0.373073 0.504927 0.625169 -0.428081 -0.583641 -0.675084 -0.76009 -0.922292
9 0.459155 0.600095 -0.451001 -0.508566 -0.671037 -0.839232 -0.905931 -1.08228 -1.194
10 0.595069 -0.387912 -0.515906 -0.672917 -0.835981 -0.909134 -1.07022 -1.19463 -1.42339 -1.69255


RS means replitting allowed or not allowed.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

RS No No No Yes Yes Yes
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.668581 0.668581 0.668581 0.742261 0.742261 0.742261
2,2 0.00318298 0.117501 0.0960224 0.00647215 0.131509 0.10771
3,3 0.00933879 0.13524 0.111297 0.0153191 0.152922 0.126567
4,4 -0.0133962 0.122532 0.0965705 -0.0178253 0.124181 0.096987
5,5 -0.03824 0.0703684 0.0494494 -0.0664888 0.0237544 0.000847691
6,6 -0.0275566 0.111605 0.0732568 -0.0150043 0.137589 0.0952067
7,7 0.0162679 0.155107 0.111352 0.0333742 0.185588 0.137249
8,8 0.105595 0.195731 0.195731 0.133695 0.231496 0.231496
9,9 0.252687 0.299234 0.299234 0.259125 0.309488 0.309488
10,10 0.424781 0.424781 0.424781 0.229373 0.229373 0.229373

EXACT SPLITTING (Unique Hands Method)

MH means maximum number of split hands.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

MH 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.668582 0.668582 0.668582 0.738687 0.738687 0.738687 0.742469 0.742469 0.742469
2,2 0.00318339 0.117502 0.0960229 0.00617164 0.130422 0.106875 0.00632171 0.131134 0.10746
3,3 0.00933911 0.135241 0.111297 0.0153797 0.152335 0.126092 0.0157778 0.153363 0.126979
4,4 -0.0133961 0.122532 0.0965705 -0.0174282 0.124641 0.0973879 -0.0174282 0.124641 0.0973879
5,5 -0.0382401 0.0703683 0.0494493 -0.0640794 0.0274336 0.0044378 -0.0653697 0.0251227 0.00199283
6,6 -0.027557 0.111605 0.0732566 -0.0148914 0.13716 0.0948805 -0.0140747 0.138752 0.0962163
7,7 0.0162682 0.155107 0.111352 0.0330932 0.184718 0.136582 0.0341069 0.186497 0.138081
8,8 0.105595 0.195731 0.195731 0.131836 0.2292 0.2292 0.13323 0.23097 0.23097
9,9 0.252688 0.299234 0.299234 0.258493 0.308672 0.308672 0.258737 0.309099 0.309099
10,10 0.424782 0.424782 0.424782 0.301839 0.301839 0.301839 0.224812 0.224812 0.224812

Dealer Up Card 5

Dealer stands soft 17


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 -0.130086
2 -0.118846 -0.107014
3 -0.11602 -0.104257 -0.101456
4 -0.113097 -0.101371 -0.0979931 -0.0948968
5 -0.110737 -0.098373 -0.0954949 -0.092477 -0.0900487
6 0.00466215 -0.103819 -0.100904 -0.0979786 -0.0955452 -0.102166
7 0.222295 -0.130566 -0.127734 -0.124742 -0.123356 -0.128821 -0.155509
8 0.460792 -0.135542 -0.132654 -0.130749 -0.128264 -0.133747 -0.160467 -0.165444
9 0.682074 -0.138632 -0.136834 -0.133859 -0.131352 -0.136855 -0.163594 -0.044394 0.202893
10 1.5 -0.144042 -0.141141 -0.138177 -0.135683 -0.141195 -0.0431477 0.20229 0.447849 0.673675


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0.182014
2 0.158731 0.0359443
3 0.136564 0.0215046 0.00831826
4 0.107857 0.00888974 0.0489852 0.153926
5 0.0821124 0.0567682 0.141067 0.246436 0.347346
6 0.140016 0.13063 0.234973 0.338824 0.393653 -0.16236
7 0.174546 0.195514 0.307505 0.361679 -0.177736 -0.269029 -0.370327
8 0.226529 0.295987 0.349535 -0.186621 -0.270015 -0.317192 -0.373119 -0.452874
9 0.268101 0.339824 -0.196612 -0.232059 -0.313835 -0.402035 -0.452057 -0.492582 -0.59031
10 0.331495 -0.163571 -0.235303 -0.314639 -0.399584 -0.444223 -0.492434 -0.590756 -0.70874 -0.845597


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0.215727
2 0.212294 -0.214028
3 0.203577 -0.208515 -0.183982
4 0.174984 -0.185537 -0.0613562 0.162314
5 0.148255 -0.0703183 0.154983 0.414994 0.694691
6 0.280032 0.130582 0.391602 0.677648 0.787306 -0.32472
7 0.349093 0.332121 0.61501 0.723357 -0.355472 -0.538057 -0.740653
8 0.453058 0.591973 0.69907 -0.373242 -0.54003 -0.634384 -0.746237 -0.905749
9 0.536202 0.679648 -0.393225 -0.464119 -0.627671 -0.804071 -0.904114 -0.985164 -1.18062
10 0.66299 -0.327141 -0.470607 -0.629277 -0.799167 -0.888447 -0.984868 -1.18151 -1.41748 -1.69119


RS means replitting allowed or not allowed.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

RS No No No Yes Yes Yes
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.73216 0.73216 0.73216 0.80732 0.80732 0.80732
2,2 0.127678 0.273309 0.235914 0.13598 0.295307 0.254056
3,3 0.116658 0.276757 0.229402 0.12723 0.30248 0.250273
4,4 0.0947168 0.256441 0.216525 0.0897369 0.263343 0.222788
5,5 0.0681169 0.205292 0.152803 0.0566427 0.183945 0.128906
6,6 0.0677143 0.237513 0.179889 0.0842641 0.270265 0.206909
7,7 0.0387913 0.193212 0.148607 0.0561627 0.224354 0.175619
8,8 0.188016 0.291004 0.291004 0.218867 0.33061 0.33061
9,9 0.339219 0.392303 0.392303 0.350121 0.407593 0.407593
10,10 0.496721 0.496721 0.496721 0.330151 0.330151 0.330151

EXACT SPLITTING (Unique Hands Method)

MH means maximum number of split hands.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

MH 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.73216 0.73216 0.73216 0.803601 0.803601 0.803601 0.807466 0.807466 0.807466
2,2 0.127678 0.273309 0.235914 0.136 0.294516 0.253521 0.136489 0.295745 0.254528
3,3 0.116658 0.276757 0.229402 0.127251 0.301742 0.249734 0.127911 0.303241 0.250941
4,4 0.0947167 0.256441 0.216525 0.0909426 0.26421 0.223427 0.0908038 0.264619 0.223898
5,5 0.0681172 0.205292 0.152803 0.0572212 0.184731 0.129506 0.0572212 0.184731 0.129506
6,6 0.0677142 0.237513 0.179889 0.0841174 0.269454 0.206286 0.0851339 0.271396 0.207883
7,7 0.0387914 0.193212 0.148607 0.054908 0.222213 0.173809 0.0557767 0.223782 0.175167
8,8 0.188016 0.291005 0.291005 0.216845 0.328089 0.328089 0.218373 0.330046 0.330046
9,9 0.33922 0.392304 0.392304 0.349245 0.406503 0.406503 0.349719 0.407189 0.407189
10,10 0.496722 0.496722 0.496722 0.393479 0.393479 0.393479 0.326618 0.326618 0.326618

Dealer Up Card 6

Dealer stands soft 17


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 -0.103505
2 -0.114167 -0.124502
3 -0.111568 -0.121915 -0.118893
4 -0.109194 -0.119123 -0.116458 -0.114034
5 -0.107596 -0.1179 -0.115244 -0.112881 -0.111669
6 0.0104344 -0.144181 -0.141538 -0.13919 -0.138999 -0.165187
7 0.262174 -0.148738 -0.146113 -0.144697 -0.143472 -0.169692 -0.174225
8 0.482354 -0.151323 -0.149705 -0.147293 -0.14604 -0.172288 -0.176976 -0.17817
9 0.694187 -0.156395 -0.153745 -0.151345 -0.1501 -0.176502 -0.179634 -0.0114113 0.265195
10 1.5 -0.160379 -0.157773 -0.155349 -0.154176 -0.179023 -0.0112866 0.268101 0.484093 0.697403


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0.199607
2 0.168495 0.0320546
3 0.147164 0.0192331 0.0138957
4 0.120257 0.0141129 0.0591916 0.17529
5 0.115918 0.0695964 0.163696 0.263315 0.361822
6 0.133243 0.132139 0.231326 0.331647 0.380696 -0.193568
7 0.19243 0.209711 0.318049 0.365741 -0.178846 -0.280666 -0.366941
8 0.241313 0.307533 0.356117 -0.184088 -0.267603 -0.323254 -0.362116 -0.396692
9 0.279876 0.345816 -0.193794 -0.228134 -0.308744 -0.400876 -0.39721 -0.483777 -0.586713
10 0.341117 -0.159436 -0.228909 -0.308093 -0.387327 -0.396278 -0.483343 -0.586115 -0.706989 -0.845027


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0.247914
2 0.23021 -0.249004
3 0.22186 -0.243829 -0.214512
4 0.200721 -0.215035 -0.0568653 0.193184
5 0.216665 -0.0610378 0.189929 0.44331 0.723645
6 0.266486 0.124194 0.379215 0.663295 0.761392 -0.387137
7 0.38486 0.357361 0.636099 0.731481 -0.357692 -0.561333 -0.733882
8 0.482626 0.615067 0.712234 -0.368175 -0.535207 -0.646508 -0.724232 -0.793384
9 0.559752 0.691631 -0.387588 -0.456268 -0.617489 -0.801753 -0.79442 -0.967555 -1.17343
10 0.682234 -0.318872 -0.457819 -0.616186 -0.774654 -0.792555 -0.966686 -1.17223 -1.41398 -1.69005


RS means replitting allowed or not allowed.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

RS No No No Yes Yes Yes
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.758276 0.758276 0.758276 0.831635 0.831635 0.831635
2,2 0.118982 0.272414 0.230819 0.12643 0.294389 0.248482
3,3 0.111575 0.274115 0.228062 0.121378 0.29959 0.248582
4,4 0.0834386 0.244334 0.191026 0.0754472 0.247467 0.193028
5,5 0.0558515 0.200283 0.138781 0.0291259 0.151954 0.0843683
6,6 -0.0106513 0.155508 0.108254 -0.00374636 0.169556 0.120255
7,7 0.0530242 0.209924 0.164475 0.0731985 0.244003 0.194366
8,8 0.233716 0.340369 0.340021 0.269794 0.385676 0.385183
9,9 0.359377 0.413268 0.413268 0.366382 0.424717 0.424717
10,10 0.525105 0.525105 0.525105 0.3676 0.3676 0.3676

EXACT SPLITTING (Unique Hands Method)

MH means maximum number of split hands.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

MH 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.758276 0.758276 0.758276 0.828269 0.828269 0.828269 0.831965 0.831965 0.831965
2,2 0.118982 0.272414 0.230819 0.126404 0.293521 0.247885 0.126812 0.294721 0.248835
3,3 0.111575 0.274115 0.228062 0.121528 0.298993 0.248162 0.122171 0.300526 0.249382
4,4 0.0834385 0.244333 0.191026 0.0768096 0.248557 0.19389 0.0765057 0.248774 0.194133
5,5 0.0558514 0.200283 0.138781 0.0315482 0.156001 0.0884142 0.0302934 0.153548 0.0855724
6,6 -0.0106513 0.155507 0.108253 -0.00389922 0.16934 0.120067 -0.00389922 0.16934 0.120067
7,7 0.0530242 0.209924 0.164475 0.0717541 0.241645 0.192359 0.0727575 0.243348 0.193851
8,8 0.233716 0.34037 0.340021 0.267683 0.383004 0.38259 0.269513 0.385294 0.384873
9,9 0.359377 0.413268 0.413268 0.36569 0.423806 0.423806 0.36595 0.42428 0.42428
10,10 0.525105 0.525105 0.525105 0.426506 0.426506 0.426506 0.363571 0.363571 0.363571

Dealer Up Card 7

Dealer stands or hits soft 17


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 -0.452479
2 -0.461877 -0.471027
3 -0.46021 -0.46891 -0.467213
4 -0.457617 -0.466638 -0.464879 -0.462717
5 -0.467986 -0.477078 -0.475347 -0.473057 -0.484469
6 -0.0896393 -0.481634 -0.479852 -0.478621 -0.488937 -0.493437
7 0.411952 -0.485803 -0.485024 -0.482795 -0.493091 -0.49762 -0.501956
8 0.614504 -0.487638 -0.485835 -0.483611 -0.493922 -0.498604 -0.501385 -0.502514
9 0.773194 -0.493342 -0.491583 -0.489331 -0.499719 -0.502845 -0.507327 -0.122899 0.40106
10 1.5 -0.472817 -0.471067 -0.468887 -0.478497 -0.483324 -0.121287 0.388746 0.610121 0.764677


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0.158433
2 0.107343 -0.091753
3 0.0604263 -0.119255 -0.164471
4 0.0337318 -0.163911 -0.0706344 0.110632
5 -0.0237844 -0.0673711 0.092588 0.201306 0.278602
6 0.0596455 0.0918394 0.197716 0.285586 0.297368 -0.264854
7 0.174667 0.183612 0.2772 0.293769 -0.258201 -0.330723 -0.389227
8 0.221936 0.267639 0.291794 -0.245545 -0.327475 -0.348533 -0.324114 -0.373561
9 0.242711 0.288889 -0.247104 -0.274092 -0.348015 -0.363208 -0.374945 -0.448819 -0.566049
10 0.285776 -0.21202 -0.270391 -0.342199 -0.364503 -0.376194 -0.451963 -0.567259 -0.698546 -0.843026


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 -0.136975
2 -0.157238 -0.942054
3 -0.17454 -0.93782 -0.871217
4 -0.140937 -0.870342 -0.542577 -0.108353
5 -0.189067 -0.567247 -0.132299 0.190459 0.46634
6 0.0141767 -0.14812 0.175697 0.475371 0.500525 -0.598513
7 0.240224 0.160008 0.444697 0.487454 -0.58515 -0.714109 -0.823012
8 0.325331 0.416638 0.472587 -0.563593 -0.706532 -0.734594 -0.666031 -0.747122
9 0.351279 0.455401 -0.578758 -0.60014 -0.727641 -0.744596 -0.74989 -0.897639 -1.1321
10 0.467593 -0.495828 -0.58299 -0.706808 -0.736265 -0.752387 -0.903925 -1.13452 -1.39709 -1.68605


RS means replitting allowed or not allowed.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

RS No No No Yes Yes Yes
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.540712 0.540712 0.540712 0.627353 0.627353 0.627353
2,2 -0.0544636 0.00475231 0.00475231 -0.0513665 0.0138496 0.0138496
3,3 -0.115327 -0.0572503 -0.0572503 -0.10903 -0.0450459 -0.0450459
4,4 -0.222838 -0.158732 -0.158732 -0.254921 -0.1843 -0.1843
5,5 -0.298829 -0.244667 -0.244667 -0.353675 -0.313114 -0.313114
6,6 -0.269899 -0.20137 -0.20137 -0.267866 -0.192762 -0.192762
7,7 -0.122529 -0.0657473 -0.0657473 -0.110264 -0.0511729 -0.0511729
8,8 0.202329 0.250712 0.250712 0.251445 0.303531 0.303531
9,9 0.340574 0.362756 0.362756 0.335137 0.358763 0.358763
10,10 0.482229 0.482229 0.482229 0.25818 0.25818 0.25818

EXACT SPLITTING (Unique Hands Method)

MH means maximum number of split hands.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

MH 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.540712 0.540712 0.540712 0.623186 0.623186 0.623186 0.62765 0.62765 0.62765
2,2 -0.0544634 0.00475233 0.00475233 -0.0513708 0.0133716 0.0133716 -0.0512111 0.0138648 0.0138648
3,3 -0.115327 -0.0572504 -0.0572504 -0.109161 -0.0456067 -0.0456067 -0.108698 -0.0448095 -0.0448095
4,4 -0.222838 -0.158732 -0.158732 -0.252295 -0.182107 -0.182107 -0.253997 -0.183436 -0.183436
5,5 -0.298829 -0.244667 -0.244667 -0.349822 -0.308564 -0.308564 -0.352763 -0.312307 -0.312307
6,6 -0.269899 -0.20137 -0.20137 -0.26809 -0.193535 -0.193535 -0.267862 -0.192961 -0.192961
7,7 -0.122529 -0.0657473 -0.0657473 -0.110318 -0.0512847 -0.0512847 -0.110318 -0.0512847 -0.0512847
8,8 0.202329 0.250712 0.250712 0.24911 0.301026 0.301026 0.251584 0.303664 0.303664
9,9 0.340574 0.362756 0.362756 0.33527 0.358851 0.358851 0.334969 0.3586 0.3586
10,10 0.482229 0.482229 0.482229 0.336773 0.336773 0.336773 0.251783 0.251783 0.251783

Dealer Up Card 8

Dealer stands or hits soft 17


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 -0.4997
2 -0.507685 -0.514917
3 -0.505092 -0.512722 -0.510419
4 -0.514496 -0.522155 -0.519886 -0.529261
5 -0.514869 -0.522459 -0.520172 -0.530618 -0.530853
6 -0.385254 -0.524927 -0.523699 -0.533077 -0.533297 -0.535771
7 0.120931 -0.52834 -0.526077 -0.535471 -0.535706 -0.538333 -0.53934
8 0.60784 -0.534064 -0.531845 -0.541217 -0.541529 -0.542601 -0.545308 -0.551276
9 0.784814 -0.513558 -0.511343 -0.520792 -0.520326 -0.523099 -0.525806 -0.414899 0.0645179
10 1.5 -0.517357 -0.515179 -0.52385 -0.524234 -0.527006 -0.39424 0.0955297 0.576828 0.783251


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0.093045
2 0.0391125 -0.141047
3 0.0350245 -0.180835 -0.23112
4 -0.0354836 -0.234151 -0.228382 -0.0548026
5 -0.0843029 -0.217784 -0.0569882 0.108081 0.2075
6 -0.0648959 -0.0559282 0.117522 0.207506 0.229714 -0.321707
7 0.0474999 0.107594 0.217139 0.221712 -0.320983 -0.394373 -0.407893
8 0.157747 0.207288 0.220266 -0.319226 -0.386852 -0.369092 -0.379554 -0.426315
9 0.171549 0.215256 -0.316143 -0.338911 -0.370139 -0.420733 -0.42779 -0.475296 -0.566265
10 0.221207 -0.274473 -0.328235 -0.35737 -0.417965 -0.424823 -0.473803 -0.565137 -0.697331 -0.842727


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 -0.295648
2 -0.312387 -1.02983
3 -0.254214 -1.02544 -0.99966
4 -0.314134 -1.02313 -0.848583 -0.447062
5 -0.33255 -0.85346 -0.428185 0.000738472 0.322885
6 -0.229744 -0.437135 0.0141986 0.317153 0.365672 -0.711353
7 -0.0153145 0.00736231 0.326863 0.340213 -0.711203 -0.842908 -0.857865
8 0.190197 0.294474 0.329975 -0.719326 -0.829134 -0.774545 -0.777379 -0.85263
9 0.229784 0.327731 -0.7037 -0.72411 -0.761928 -0.855589 -0.855581 -0.950593 -1.13253
10 0.332681 -0.625855 -0.70564 -0.739262 -0.844149 -0.849645 -0.947605 -1.13027 -1.39466 -1.68545


RS means replitting allowed or not allowed.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

RS No No No Yes Yes Yes
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.406468 0.406468 0.406468 0.486021 0.486021 0.486021
2,2 -0.212598 -0.177104 -0.177104 -0.218755 -0.179468 -0.179468
3,3 -0.265388 -0.22605 -0.22605 -0.266106 -0.222497 -0.222497
4,4 -0.342754 -0.299949 -0.299949 -0.369752 -0.322523 -0.322523
5,5 -0.44823 -0.412012 -0.412012 -0.50989 -0.482043 -0.482043
6,6 -0.412582 -0.36771 -0.36771 -0.418568 -0.369117 -0.369117
7,7 -0.423471 -0.385238 -0.385238 -0.422229 -0.380424 -0.380424
8,8 -0.100087 -0.0735091 -0.0735091 -0.0869608 -0.05949 -0.05949
9,9 0.179367 0.195409 0.195409 0.190679 0.207818 0.207818
10,10 0.353853 0.353853 0.353853 0.0155145 0.0155145 0.0155145

EXACT SPLITTING (Unique Hands Method)

MH means maximum number of split hands.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

MH 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.406468 0.406468 0.406468 0.48224 0.48224 0.48224 0.486371 0.486371 0.486371
2,2 -0.212597 -0.177104 -0.177104 -0.218268 -0.179292 -0.179292 -0.218564 -0.179369 -0.179369
3,3 -0.265388 -0.22605 -0.22605 -0.26595 -0.222675 -0.222675 -0.265841 -0.222313 -0.222313
4,4 -0.342754 -0.299949 -0.299949 -0.367916 -0.321122 -0.321122 -0.369351 -0.322316 -0.322316
5,5 -0.44823 -0.412012 -0.412012 -0.505817 -0.47757 -0.47757 -0.509121 -0.481385 -0.481385
6,6 -0.412582 -0.36771 -0.36771 -0.418397 -0.369415 -0.369415 -0.418612 -0.369386 -0.369386
7,7 -0.423471 -0.385238 -0.385238 -0.422466 -0.380967 -0.380967 -0.422274 -0.380591 -0.380591
8,8 -0.100087 -0.0735091 -0.0735091 -0.0869704 -0.0595245 -0.0595245 -0.0869704 -0.0595245 -0.0595245
9,9 0.179367 0.195409 0.195409 0.18967 0.206836 0.206836 0.190276 0.207491 0.207491
10,10 0.353853 0.353853 0.353853 0.136617 0.136617 0.136617 0.0117653 0.0117653 0.0117653

Dealer Up Card 9

Dealer stands or hits soft 17


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 -0.510996
2 -0.517198 -0.523455
3 -0.526764 -0.532954 -0.542453
4 -0.526348 -0.532529 -0.54201 -0.542638
5 -0.525482 -0.531595 -0.542147 -0.541653 -0.540668
6 -0.40707 -0.536503 -0.545956 -0.545472 -0.544508 -0.548502
7 -0.178832 -0.540546 -0.550044 -0.549545 -0.548658 -0.551096 -0.555391
8 0.287946 -0.52005 -0.529562 -0.52914 -0.527475 -0.531614 -0.535909 -0.516426
9 0.765635 -0.523864 -0.533417 -0.532217 -0.531402 -0.535541 -0.539835 -0.411646 -0.196372
10 1.5 -0.527482 -0.536257 -0.535908 -0.535093 -0.539231 -0.416111 -0.196136 0.264279 0.74397


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 -0.00273054
2 -0.0140616 -0.222489
3 -0.0599949 -0.26247 -0.309972
4 -0.113691 -0.304594 -0.304698 -0.206479
5 -0.166825 -0.284938 -0.218486 -0.0519806 0.118869
6 -0.134736 -0.208347 -0.0510817 0.117402 0.151713 -0.386242
7 -0.0869579 -0.0523837 0.117569 0.149504 -0.389559 -0.418484 -0.474654
8 0.00469251 0.120543 0.139171 -0.394885 -0.413421 -0.437187 -0.443182 -0.487124
9 0.0964178 0.142527 -0.392178 -0.365253 -0.425895 -0.479661 -0.482037 -0.531882 -0.594732
10 0.148864 -0.344351 -0.358832 -0.41352 -0.475256 -0.479306 -0.526459 -0.593227 -0.697795 -0.842055


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 -0.420608
2 -0.372682 -1.04691
3 -0.393525 -1.06591 -1.06529
4 -0.421784 -1.04531 -0.946164 -0.701087
5 -0.452038 -0.926277 -0.702933 -0.278961 0.174553
6 -0.345244 -0.691585 -0.289689 0.164633 0.239911 -0.817364
7 -0.254497 -0.274062 0.153705 0.224729 -0.826051 -0.86939 -0.978238
8 -0.0602075 0.174428 0.215208 -0.833734 -0.847602 -0.887881 -0.893558 -0.974248
9 0.110516 0.21384 -0.840364 -0.758677 -0.859833 -0.966804 -0.964075 -1.06376 -1.18946
10 0.216489 -0.745531 -0.752138 -0.839394 -0.951924 -0.958613 -1.05292 -1.18645 -1.39559 -1.68411


RS means replitting allowed or not allowed.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

RS No No No Yes Yes Yes
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.28977 0.28977 0.28977 0.360379 0.360379 0.360379
2,2 -0.38338 -0.359454 -0.359454 -0.396999 -0.370322 -0.370322
3,3 -0.418153 -0.396141 -0.396141 -0.425882 -0.401418 -0.401418
4,4 -0.493182 -0.469024 -0.469024 -0.519034 -0.492215 -0.492215
5,5 -0.607597 -0.58476 -0.58476 -0.675277 -0.656457 -0.656457
6,6 -0.569709 -0.544299 -0.544299 -0.584339 -0.556191 -0.556191
7,7 -0.56384 -0.545047 -0.545047 -0.568695 -0.548011 -0.548011
8,8 -0.429934 -0.406325 -0.406325 -0.426578 -0.400682 -0.400682
9,9 -0.112424 -0.102933 -0.102933 -0.108684 -0.0989259 -0.0989259
10,10 0.183754 0.183754 0.183754 -0.254595 -0.254595 -0.254595

EXACT SPLITTING (Unique Hands Method)

MH means maximum number of split hands.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

MH 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.28977 0.28977 0.28977 0.357092 0.357092 0.357092 0.360781 0.360781 0.360781
2,2 -0.383379 -0.359454 -0.359454 -0.396162 -0.369709 -0.369709 -0.396823 -0.370203 -0.370203
3,3 -0.418153 -0.396141 -0.396141 -0.425735 -0.40159 -0.40159 -0.42606 -0.401782 -0.401782
4,4 -0.493182 -0.469024 -0.469024 -0.517463 -0.490984 -0.490984 -0.518806 -0.492184 -0.492184
5,5 -0.607597 -0.58476 -0.58476 -0.670988 -0.651997 -0.651997 -0.674606 -0.655884 -0.655884
6,6 -0.569709 -0.544299 -0.544299 -0.583791 -0.556015 -0.556015 -0.584491 -0.556572 -0.556572
7,7 -0.56384 -0.545047 -0.545047 -0.56874 -0.548317 -0.548317 -0.568856 -0.54834 -0.54834
8,8 -0.429934 -0.406325 -0.406325 -0.427105 -0.401319 -0.401319 -0.427063 -0.401144 -0.401144
9,9 -0.112424 -0.102933 -0.102933 -0.108836 -0.0990434 -0.0990434 -0.108836 -0.0990434 -0.0990434
10,10 0.183754 0.183754 0.183754 -0.0964978 -0.0964978 -0.0964978 -0.25583 -0.25583 -0.25583

Dealer Up Card 10

Dealer stands or hits soft 17
Results conditioned on dealer not having blackjack


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 -0.530674
2 -0.538705 -0.547137
3 -0.538043 -0.546375 -0.545672
4 -0.538314 -0.546578 -0.547042 -0.547191
5 -0.537311 -0.546774 -0.546016 -0.546165 -0.545139
6 -0.417782 -0.551019 -0.55031 -0.550442 -0.5495 -0.552167
7 -0.186187 -0.528701 -0.528008 -0.528224 -0.526434 -0.530953 -0.509739
8 0.0643131 -0.532853 -0.532205 -0.531574 -0.53071 -0.535229 -0.514015 -0.518291
9 0.554551 -0.536793 -0.535298 -0.535592 -0.534729 -0.539248 -0.518034 -0.390691 -0.133285
10 1.5 -0.539571 -0.539002 -0.539296 -0.538433 -0.542952 -0.412341 -0.155192 0.102517 0.583154


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 -0.0470329
2 -0.0889169 -0.275621
3 -0.12359 -0.307857 -0.343655
4 -0.170424 -0.345111 -0.334779 -0.241025
5 -0.223362 -0.322021 -0.250864 -0.138056 0.0377809
6 -0.190991 -0.252153 -0.14166 0.033407 0.113267 -0.389097
7 -0.138734 -0.154112 0.0296093 0.109571 -0.384545 -0.451149 -0.514818
8 -0.0856108 0.0292911 0.109187 -0.385856 -0.446362 -0.466555 -0.474794 -0.511755
9 0.00655478 0.103847 -0.388543 -0.398702 -0.453066 -0.511965 -0.512009 -0.558165 -0.624465
10 0.104681 -0.346638 -0.393091 -0.445788 -0.501091 -0.506929 -0.556704 -0.622795 -0.710037 -0.836969


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 -0.468319
2 -0.478997 -1.09427
3 -0.479655 -1.09275 -1.07127
4 -0.496264 -1.07312 -0.955483 -0.738996
5 -0.536694 -0.955173 -0.738023 -0.438369 0.0180055
6 -0.432804 -0.745151 -0.444546 0.0112185 0.170737 -0.803852
7 -0.321341 -0.435521 0.0144838 0.17099 -0.790615 -0.90827 -1.03472
8 -0.224373 0.00594994 0.162257 -0.805908 -0.909614 -0.936341 -0.949587 -1.02351
9 -0.0520395 0.142776 -0.821117 -0.818901 -0.911135 -1.02393 -1.02402 -1.11633 -1.24893
10 0.139082 -0.739114 -0.811084 -0.899256 -1.00218 -1.01386 -1.11341 -1.24559 -1.42007 -1.67394


RS means replitting allowed or not allowed.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

RS No No No Yes Yes Yes
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.194251 0.194251 0.194251 0.259506 0.259506 0.259506
2,2 -0.459601 -0.451895 -0.451895 -0.475263 -0.466672 -0.466672
3,3 -0.504229 -0.494165 -0.494165 -0.516897 -0.505746 -0.505746
4,4 -0.570489 -0.559246 -0.559246 -0.599463 -0.587062 -0.587062
5,5 -0.671747 -0.660597 -0.660597 -0.736698 -0.724328 -0.724328
6,6 -0.655152 -0.644208 -0.644208 -0.67698 -0.664823 -0.664823
7,7 -0.625405 -0.612578 -0.612578 -0.636452 -0.622207 -0.622207
8,8 -0.462307 -0.452319 -0.452319 -0.458503 -0.447517 -0.447517
9,9 -0.265721 -0.260551 -0.260551 -0.277961 -0.272507 -0.272507
10,10 0.0600556 0.0600556 0.0600556 -0.315944 -0.315944 -0.315944

EXACT SPLITTING (Unique Hands Method)

MH means maximum number of split hands.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

MH 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.194252 0.194252 0.194252 0.256082 0.256082 0.256082 0.259524 0.259524 0.259524
2,2 -0.459601 -0.451895 -0.451895 -0.474747 -0.46629 -0.46629 -0.475562 -0.467058 -0.467058
3,3 -0.504229 -0.494166 -0.494166 -0.516566 -0.505553 -0.505553 -0.517177 -0.506105 -0.506105
4,4 -0.570489 -0.559246 -0.559246 -0.598025 -0.585765 -0.585765 -0.599527 -0.587208 -0.587208
5,5 -0.671747 -0.660597 -0.660597 -0.732935 -0.720723 -0.720723 -0.736385 -0.724109 -0.724109
6,6 -0.655152 -0.644208 -0.644208 -0.675961 -0.663965 -0.663965 -0.67701 -0.664948 -0.664948
7,7 -0.625405 -0.612578 -0.612578 -0.636047 -0.621904 -0.621904 -0.636688 -0.622459 -0.622459
8,8 -0.462307 -0.452319 -0.452319 -0.458666 -0.447728 -0.447728 -0.458498 -0.447501 -0.447501
9,9 -0.265721 -0.260551 -0.260551 -0.277302 -0.271802 -0.271802 -0.277966 -0.272453 -0.272453
10,10 0.0600557 0.0600557 0.0600557 -0.185444 -0.185444 -0.185444 -0.316452 -0.316452 -0.316452

Dealer Up Card 1

Dealer hits soft 17
Results conditioned on dealer not having blackjack


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 -0.591119
2 -0.589085 -0.586848
3 -0.587263 -0.584987 -0.584069
4 -0.585081 -0.583755 -0.582466 -0.580201
5 -0.587177 -0.58549 -0.583567 -0.58127 -0.582568
6 -0.507702 -0.579622 -0.577736 -0.575557 -0.575375 -0.570142
7 -0.223909 -0.573681 -0.571832 -0.568782 -0.570148 -0.565103 -0.560384
8 0.197058 -0.580705 -0.578031 -0.575884 -0.577345 -0.572297 -0.567389 -0.574418
9 0.625139 -0.5867 -0.585005 -0.582882 -0.584302 -0.57907 -0.574249 -0.490839 -0.186132
10 1.5 -0.600796 -0.599061 -0.597064 -0.598258 -0.59389 -0.503887 -0.211147 0.212688 0.593596


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 -0.0713676
2 -0.108133 -0.29392
3 -0.139309 -0.32339 -0.363077
4 -0.188524 -0.363665 -0.376697 -0.267254
5 -0.242524 -0.36574 -0.279645 -0.124711 0.0427313
6 -0.229258 -0.27827 -0.125147 0.0444463 0.140999 -0.404037
7 -0.173387 -0.141859 0.0389218 0.136547 -0.406426 -0.466478 -0.523378
8 -0.0760351 0.0386844 0.133294 -0.403544 -0.460491 -0.476333 -0.48318 -0.520115
9 0.0179671 0.130469 -0.405025 -0.410745 -0.467809 -0.517922 -0.520785 -0.56575 -0.63701
10 0.11227 -0.380064 -0.420999 -0.468678 -0.523957 -0.528965 -0.576778 -0.645242 -0.747687 -0.884336


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 -0.558495
2 -0.55204 -1.1737
3 -0.548792 -1.16998 -1.15826
4 -0.56957 -1.1578 -1.06731 -0.808573
5 -0.607984 -1.07346 -0.81385 -0.419146 0.0266022
6 -0.529712 -0.817396 -0.422812 0.0308641 0.234295 -0.832167
7 -0.414678 -0.433414 0.017583 0.224105 -0.838129 -0.947654 -1.05934
8 -0.232282 0.0023829 0.202356 -0.848855 -0.943104 -0.965357 -0.971422 -1.04023
9 -0.0628185 0.181919 -0.864054 -0.850754 -0.947126 -1.04301 -1.04157 -1.1315 -1.27402
10 0.137215 -0.817532 -0.876378 -0.951895 -1.05164 -1.05793 -1.15356 -1.29048 -1.49537 -1.76867


RS means replitting allowed or not allowed.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

RS No No No Yes Yes Yes
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.215091 0.215091 0.215091 0.248842 0.248842 0.248842
2,2 -0.502039 -0.490596 -0.490596 -0.519607 -0.506828 -0.506828
3,3 -0.541679 -0.527061 -0.527061 -0.555212 -0.538966 -0.538966
4,4 -0.604567 -0.586402 -0.586402 -0.634201 -0.61408 -0.61408
5,5 -0.715792 -0.696684 -0.696684 -0.784895 -0.76375 -0.76375
6,6 -0.683118 -0.66314 -0.66314 -0.705692 -0.68349 -0.68349
7,7 -0.686354 -0.668344 -0.668344 -0.696106 -0.676194 -0.676194
8,8 -0.482754 -0.470322 -0.470322 -0.478451 -0.464879 -0.464879
9,9 -0.192828 -0.185972 -0.185972 -0.19202 -0.184802 -0.184802
10,10 -0.00404772 -0.00404772 -0.00404772 -0.491075 -0.491075 -0.491075

EXACT SPLITTING (Unique Hands Method)

MH means maximum number of split hands.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

MH 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.215092 0.215092 0.215092 0.24883 0.24883 0.24883 0.24883 0.24883 0.24883
2,2 -0.502039 -0.490595 -0.490595 -0.518791 -0.50615 -0.50615 -0.519673 -0.506954 -0.506954
3,3 -0.541679 -0.527061 -0.527061 -0.554606 -0.538513 -0.538513 -0.555194 -0.539007 -0.539007
4,4 -0.604567 -0.586402 -0.586402 -0.632371 -0.612408 -0.612408 -0.633864 -0.613789 -0.613789
5,5 -0.715792 -0.696684 -0.696684 -0.780594 -0.759623 -0.759623 -0.784211 -0.763125 -0.763125
6,6 -0.683118 -0.66314 -0.66314 -0.704507 -0.68246 -0.68246 -0.705562 -0.683379 -0.683379
7,7 -0.686353 -0.668344 -0.668344 -0.695539 -0.675729 -0.675729 -0.695793 -0.675866 -0.675866
8,8 -0.482754 -0.470321 -0.470321 -0.478089 -0.464537 -0.464537 -0.477752 -0.464135 -0.464135
9,9 -0.192828 -0.185971 -0.185971 -0.191417 -0.184139 -0.184139 -0.191231 -0.18394 -0.18394
10,10 -0.00404714 -0.00404714 -0.00404714 -0.313679 -0.313679 -0.313679 -0.495791 -0.495791 -0.495791

Dealer Up Card 2

Dealer hits soft 17


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 -0.270692
2 -0.277229 -0.283341
3 -0.278615 -0.285837 -0.287311
4 -0.278726 -0.285023 -0.28648 -0.285625
5 -0.260892 -0.266789 -0.268275 -0.267337 -0.248568
6 -0.133508 -0.269844 -0.271109 -0.269321 -0.251543 -0.254573
7 0.127707 -0.273052 -0.273537 -0.27258 -0.254914 -0.257996 -0.261351
8 0.395474 -0.274991 -0.276377 -0.275517 -0.257808 -0.260818 -0.265141 -0.267967
9 0.652277 -0.279581 -0.28092 -0.280009 -0.262319 -0.266381 -0.269724 -0.139572 0.125624
10 1.5 -0.303614 -0.30491 -0.304095 -0.287396 -0.290385 -0.161067 0.107286 0.376236 0.621938


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0.0938946
2 0.0399137 -0.11011
3 0.018177 -0.127701 -0.148695
4 -0.0103047 -0.147361 -0.122095 -0.0135182
5 -0.0297308 -0.098616 -0.0186587 0.0917868 0.22227
6 0.00706418 -0.0152051 0.0902562 0.216504 0.283325 -0.252578
7 0.0633046 0.0814018 0.213163 0.272123 -0.252775 -0.332522 -0.407605
8 0.118491 0.211944 0.267694 -0.26 -0.331828 -0.363781 -0.392057 -0.456003
9 0.189814 0.262882 -0.266648 -0.293479 -0.360027 -0.431909 -0.457902 -0.531862 -0.628482
10 0.246617 -0.243855 -0.305035 -0.369452 -0.437795 -0.467346 -0.540186 -0.63354 -0.75009 -0.846767


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 -0.0173987
2 -0.0387245 -0.566678
3 -0.0427909 -0.571674 -0.553532
4 -0.0663915 -0.549147 -0.423949 -0.184722
5 -0.0770744 -0.39593 -0.168847 0.112282 0.444227
6 0.0141947 -0.164092 0.11007 0.430966 0.566716 -0.505155
7 0.124451 0.115178 0.424422 0.542089 -0.505549 -0.665043 -0.815211
8 0.235089 0.422926 0.533496 -0.519999 -0.663656 -0.727562 -0.784113 -0.912007
9 0.378594 0.524385 -0.533296 -0.586959 -0.720054 -0.863818 -0.915804 -1.06372 -1.25696
10 0.486535 -0.48771 -0.61007 -0.738903 -0.875591 -0.934693 -1.08037 -1.26708 -1.50018 -1.69353


RS means replitting allowed or not allowed.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

RS No No No Yes Yes Yes
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.56537 0.56537 0.56537 0.638473 0.638473 0.638473
2,2 -0.127989 -0.0390122 -0.0472125 -0.128629 -0.0355973 -0.0442923
3,3 -0.196706 -0.111788 -0.115613 -0.199953 -0.107193 -0.11143
4,4 -0.231738 -0.145398 -0.149368 -0.251165 -0.156883 -0.161264
5,5 -0.224788 -0.149842 -0.155627 -0.263329 -0.20264 -0.209138
6,6 -0.211452 -0.114187 -0.124174 -0.204845 -0.0980667 -0.109413
7,7 -0.162569 -0.0728507 -0.0793042 -0.153139 -0.0549955 -0.0622184
8,8 0.0109893 0.083394 0.083394 0.0361273 0.115042 0.115042
9,9 0.166083 0.198512 0.198512 0.169067 0.204299 0.204299
10,10 0.30728 0.30728 0.30728 0.0366164 0.0366164 0.0366164

EXACT SPLITTING (Unique Hands Method)

MH means maximum number of split hands.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

MH 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.56537 0.56537 0.56537 0.634964 0.634964 0.634964 0.638741 0.638741 0.638741
2,2 -0.127987 -0.0390095 -0.04721 -0.128657 -0.0356947 -0.0443559 -0.128657 -0.0356947 -0.0443559
3,3 -0.196705 -0.111786 -0.115611 -0.199979 -0.107759 -0.11194 -0.200117 -0.107488 -0.11169
4,4 -0.231738 -0.145397 -0.149368 -0.250243 -0.156504 -0.160833 -0.251274 -0.157125 -0.161473
5,5 -0.224787 -0.149841 -0.155627 -0.260767 -0.199261 -0.205731 -0.262645 -0.201939 -0.208458
6,6 -0.211452 -0.114187 -0.124174 -0.20484 -0.098556 -0.109854 -0.204297 -0.0974696 -0.108867
7,7 -0.16257 -0.0728511 -0.0793047 -0.15311 -0.0553915 -0.0625789 -0.15253 -0.0543461 -0.0615847
8,8 0.010989 0.0833938 0.0833938 0.0354431 0.114084 0.114084 0.0368406 0.115832 0.115832
9,9 0.166082 0.198512 0.198512 0.169443 0.204577 0.204577 0.169622 0.204903 0.204903
10,10 0.30728 0.30728 0.30728 0.136858 0.136858 0.136858 0.0327654 0.0327654 0.0327654

Dealer Up Card 3

Dealer hits soft 17


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 -0.22968
2 -0.237101 -0.245298
3 -0.237272 -0.244539 -0.243799
4 -0.21978 -0.226626 -0.225832 -0.207856
5 -0.216499 -0.223426 -0.222564 -0.204084 -0.200756
6 -0.0945056 -0.225779 -0.22405 -0.206493 -0.203214 -0.205761
7 0.160896 -0.228612 -0.227774 -0.210215 -0.207078 -0.209576 -0.214284
8 0.415527 -0.233015 -0.232155 -0.214758 -0.211478 -0.21506 -0.218761 -0.223308
9 0.641414 -0.25888 -0.25804 -0.240597 -0.238403 -0.240883 -0.244676 -0.12292 0.114107
10 1.5 -0.262426 -0.261677 -0.245209 -0.241934 -0.244505 -0.121109 0.13586 0.377417 0.63223


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0.119624
2 0.0709978 -0.0795507
3 0.0445203 -0.0962891 -0.116794
4 0.0236023 -0.103847 -0.0817379 0.0267021
5 -0.00166854 -0.061524 0.0175649 0.139108 0.252767
6 0.0357643 0.0214831 0.138056 0.248711 0.313008 -0.222063
7 0.0919684 0.129451 0.245558 0.304276 -0.222065 -0.304576 -0.389123
8 0.17185 0.240551 0.294673 -0.229914 -0.306104 -0.347798 -0.382358 -0.451355
9 0.195656 0.268764 -0.255924 -0.280927 -0.356831 -0.433334 -0.46044 -0.536738 -0.639034
10 0.270287 -0.219626 -0.283766 -0.356273 -0.43076 -0.462854 -0.537656 -0.63442 -0.71293 -0.846392


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0.0563015
2 0.0306419 -0.490595
3 0.0129251 -0.489076 -0.467618
4 0.00623536 -0.435088 -0.320151 -0.0826509
5 -0.0157304 -0.306362 -0.083668 0.194596 0.507943
6 0.0745257 -0.0791901 0.188408 0.499754 0.629012 -0.444127
7 0.186752 0.193095 0.491319 0.611367 -0.444131 -0.609151 -0.778246
8 0.344385 0.48133 0.590259 -0.459827 -0.612209 -0.695596 -0.764716 -0.902709
9 0.391388 0.537605 -0.511849 -0.561855 -0.713662 -0.866669 -0.92088 -1.07348 -1.27807
10 0.535953 -0.439253 -0.567532 -0.712546 -0.861521 -0.925708 -1.07531 -1.26884 -1.42586 -1.69278


RS means replitting allowed or not allowed.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

RS No No No Yes Yes Yes
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.612563 0.612563 0.612563 0.686178 0.686178 0.686178
2,2 -0.0698569 0.0292798 0.0163528 -0.0687776 0.0396623 0.0252938
3,3 -0.125857 -0.0257711 -0.034462 -0.125824 -0.0213786 -0.0304571
4,4 -0.116514 -0.00908965 -0.0201614 -0.128257 -0.0108363 -0.0230335
5,5 -0.139959 -0.0497987 -0.0620178 -0.173367 -0.099305 -0.112843
6,6 -0.126752 -0.00769357 -0.0268006 -0.1184 0.0122277 -0.009094
7,7 -0.078061 0.0310258 0.0080312 -0.0647039 0.0551012 0.0293592
8,8 0.0784166 0.158502 0.158502 0.105742 0.193126 0.193126
9,9 0.167753 0.20895 0.20895 0.171105 0.215635 0.215635
10,10 0.362146 0.362146 0.362146 0.127599 0.127599 0.127599

EXACT SPLITTING (Unique Hands Method)

MH means maximum number of split hands.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

MH 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.612563 0.612563 0.612563 0.682623 0.682623 0.682623 0.686424 0.686424 0.686424
2,2 -0.0698559 0.0292811 0.016354 -0.0689721 0.0388042 0.0245937 -0.0689201 0.0393473 0.0250552
3,3 -0.125858 -0.0257711 -0.0344622 -0.125914 -0.0215257 -0.0305905 -0.125914 -0.0215257 -0.0305905
4,4 -0.116515 -0.00908971 -0.0201615 -0.127171 -0.010305 -0.0224509 -0.127681 -0.0102758 -0.0224881
5,5 -0.139959 -0.0497986 -0.0620177 -0.170892 -0.0958683 -0.109368 -0.172465 -0.0983459 -0.111931
6,6 -0.126753 -0.00769369 -0.0268007 -0.118215 0.0118836 -0.00938221 -0.117642 0.013122 -0.00829472
7,7 -0.0780614 0.0310255 0.00803079 -0.0647813 0.0545246 0.0289103 -0.0639498 0.0559767 0.0301793
8,8 0.0784166 0.158502 0.158502 0.104844 0.191927 0.191927 0.106349 0.193831 0.193831
9,9 0.167753 0.20895 0.20895 0.170547 0.214895 0.214895 0.170601 0.215104 0.215104
10,10 0.362147 0.362147 0.362147 0.214354 0.214354 0.214354 0.123299 0.123299 0.123299

Dealer Up Card 4

Dealer hits soft 17


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 -0.174886
2 -0.182251 -0.188494
3 -0.164807 -0.170622 -0.152723
4 -0.16103 -0.166851 -0.14893 -0.144655
5 -0.158644 -0.164521 -0.146102 -0.142107 -0.139803
6 -0.038255 -0.166343 -0.148832 -0.14495 -0.142668 -0.145581
7 0.196651 -0.171804 -0.154356 -0.150633 -0.148272 -0.152149 -0.157794
8 0.40995 -0.197595 -0.180185 -0.176327 -0.175045 -0.177915 -0.183483 -0.20922
9 0.650575 -0.202221 -0.184834 -0.182023 -0.179709 -0.182514 -0.188117 -0.0871376 0.156842
10 1.5 -0.206776 -0.190361 -0.18655 -0.184165 -0.187015 -0.0670217 0.153963 0.39653 0.640238


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0.142669
2 0.111106 -0.0329687
3 0.0924576 -0.0378307 -0.0427781
4 0.0635598 -0.051734 -0.0149076 0.0966283
5 0.0401962 -0.00942355 0.0851737 0.18847 0.293959
6 0.0776433 0.0799037 0.18477 0.292106 0.351793 -0.19001
7 0.154903 0.166619 0.2845 0.342768 -0.19188 -0.277487 -0.369828
8 0.185581 0.251944 0.312577 -0.21421 -0.292257 -0.33852 -0.381514 -0.462849
9 0.229064 0.299913 -0.225838 -0.254754 -0.336438 -0.421062 -0.454684 -0.542657 -0.597885
10 0.297355 -0.194248 -0.258651 -0.337147 -0.419369 -0.456305 -0.536663 -0.598217 -0.712078 -0.846366


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0.138474
2 0.117424 -0.376988
3 0.112852 -0.341246 -0.289322
4 0.0890647 -0.313959 -0.171803 0.0438361
5 0.0668598 -0.190655 0.0401253 0.295634 0.587919
6 0.155287 0.0223901 0.288023 0.584212 0.703585 -0.38002
7 0.309805 0.27029 0.569001 0.685535 -0.38376 -0.554973 -0.739656
8 0.371161 0.503887 0.625154 -0.42842 -0.584515 -0.677041 -0.763027 -0.925698
9 0.458129 0.599825 -0.451675 -0.509508 -0.672876 -0.842123 -0.909368 -1.08531 -1.19577
10 0.59471 -0.388496 -0.517302 -0.674293 -0.838738 -0.912611 -1.07333 -1.19643 -1.42416 -1.69273


RS means replitting allowed or not allowed.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

RS No No No Yes Yes Yes
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.668294 0.668294 0.668294 0.741804 0.741804 0.741804
2,2 0.00377068 0.118094 0.0965264 0.00700353 0.132043 0.108152
3,3 0.0163571 0.142525 0.11822 0.02253 0.160428 0.133672
4,4 -0.00504585 0.13131 0.104924 -0.00905048 0.133407 0.105767
5,5 -0.0306469 0.0781479 0.0569036 -0.0581249 0.0324176 0.00915625
6,6 -0.0201772 0.118809 0.0805082 -0.00755645 0.144839 0.102513
7,7 0.0174706 0.1568 0.112479 0.0341172 0.186857 0.137911
8,8 0.101429 0.1915 0.1915 0.128607 0.226342 0.226342
9,9 0.250299 0.296816 0.296816 0.257447 0.307778 0.307778
10,10 0.422324 0.422324 0.422324 0.228749 0.228749 0.228749

EXACT SPLITTING (Unique Hands Method)

MH means maximum number of split hands.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

MH 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.668294 0.668294 0.668294 0.738235 0.738235 0.738235 0.742018 0.742018 0.742018
2,2 0.00377117 0.118095 0.0965271 0.00670029 0.130955 0.107316 0.00685011 0.131666 0.1079
3,3 0.0163574 0.142526 0.11822 0.022601 0.159855 0.133211 0.0230104 0.160897 0.13411
4,4 -0.00504582 0.13131 0.104924 -0.00864147 0.133882 0.106182 -0.00864147 0.133882 0.106182
5,5 -0.0306471 0.0781477 0.0569034 -0.0557472 0.0360599 0.0127103 -0.0569957 0.0337973 0.0103121
6,6 -0.0201774 0.118809 0.080508 -0.00744103 0.144414 0.10219 -0.00662171 0.146008 0.103528
7,7 0.0174711 0.156801 0.11248 0.0338557 0.186005 0.137263 0.0348437 0.18776 0.138736
8,8 0.101429 0.1915 0.1915 0.126786 0.224082 0.224082 0.12813 0.225802 0.225802
9,9 0.250299 0.296816 0.296816 0.256767 0.306914 0.306914 0.257048 0.307379 0.307379
10,10 0.422325 0.422325 0.422325 0.300514 0.300514 0.300514 0.224161 0.224161 0.224161

Dealer Up Card 5

Dealer hits soft 17


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 -0.129684
2 -0.117634 -0.104579
3 -0.114802 -0.101809 -0.0989948
4 -0.111873 -0.0989105 -0.0955197 -0.0924107
5 -0.109565 -0.0960174 -0.0931265 -0.0900958 -0.087779
6 0.00420507 -0.101494 -0.0985667 -0.0956318 -0.0933065 -0.0999584
7 0.220355 -0.128271 -0.125429 -0.122425 -0.121146 -0.126642 -0.153359
8 0.459289 -0.133267 -0.130367 -0.12845 -0.126072 -0.131586 -0.158326 -0.163323
9 0.68117 -0.136389 -0.134579 -0.131592 -0.129192 -0.134717 -0.161486 -0.0455207 0.198919
10 1.5 -0.141673 -0.138759 -0.135783 -0.133391 -0.138934 -0.0442372 0.198262 0.444808 0.671819


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0.182058
2 0.158993 0.037203
3 0.136908 0.0229294 0.00990337
4 0.108294 0.0104697 0.0494845 0.153362
5 0.0825427 0.0570896 0.140422 0.245872 0.346902
6 0.14002 0.129947 0.234369 0.338492 0.393455 -0.162349
7 0.174119 0.194893 0.307167 0.361633 -0.177805 -0.269218 -0.370803
8 0.226218 0.295644 0.349405 -0.186713 -0.270202 -0.317651 -0.373822 -0.453646
9 0.267929 0.339627 -0.196768 -0.232263 -0.31427 -0.402728 -0.452834 -0.493185 -0.590647
10 0.331386 -0.163741 -0.235586 -0.314985 -0.40025 -0.445008 -0.493048 -0.591096 -0.708872 -0.845624


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0.215933
2 0.212993 -0.209157
3 0.204351 -0.203619 -0.179332
4 0.175804 -0.180888 -0.0591681 0.162097
5 0.149096 -0.0683698 0.154514 0.41431 0.693805
6 0.280039 0.13002 0.390833 0.676984 0.78691 -0.324698
7 0.348239 0.3312 0.614333 0.723265 -0.355609 -0.538437 -0.741605
8 0.452437 0.591289 0.698809 -0.373426 -0.540404 -0.635301 -0.747645 -0.907293
9 0.535858 0.679253 -0.393536 -0.464526 -0.62854 -0.805457 -0.905668 -0.986369 -1.18129
10 0.662772 -0.327483 -0.471171 -0.629971 -0.8005 -0.890017 -0.986096 -1.18219 -1.41774 -1.69125


RS means replitting allowed or not allowed.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

RS No No No Yes Yes Yes
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.732081 0.732081 0.732081 0.807238 0.807238 0.807238
2,2 0.129806 0.275353 0.237944 0.138186 0.301054 0.256153
3,3 0.119086 0.279207 0.231757 0.129726 0.305001 0.25269
4,4 0.0975794 0.259383 0.219351 0.0929172 0.266572 0.22593
5,5 0.0706161 0.207801 0.15524 0.0592684 0.186603 0.131488
6,6 0.0701451 0.239808 0.182229 0.0867042 0.277218 0.209248
7,7 0.0390113 0.193471 0.148766 0.0562037 0.224435 0.175595
8,8 0.186256 0.289175 0.289175 0.216758 0.328425 0.328425
9,9 0.33806 0.391107 0.391107 0.34922 0.406652 0.406652
10,10 0.495995 0.495995 0.495995 0.330384 0.330384 0.330384

EXACT SPLITTING (Unique Hands Method)

MH means maximum number of split hands.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

MH 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.732081 0.732081 0.732081 0.803521 0.803521 0.803521 0.807386 0.807386 0.807386
2,2 0.129806 0.275353 0.237944 0.138207 0.29663 0.25562 0.138701 0.297864 0.256632
3,3 0.119086 0.279207 0.231757 0.129751 0.304269 0.252156 0.130415 0.305773 0.253367
4,4 0.0975793 0.259383 0.219351 0.094114 0.267434 0.226561 0.0939934 0.26786 0.227051
5,5 0.0706165 0.207802 0.15524 0.0598484 0.18739 0.13209 0.0598484 0.18739 0.13209
6,6 0.0701451 0.239807 0.182229 0.0865587 0.271745 0.208627 0.0875752 0.273686 0.210224
7,7 0.0390115 0.193471 0.148766 0.0549562 0.222301 0.173791 0.0558149 0.223859 0.175139
8,8 0.186257 0.289175 0.289175 0.21475 0.325919 0.325919 0.216259 0.327856 0.327856
9,9 0.338061 0.391107 0.391107 0.348327 0.405544 0.405544 0.348814 0.406243 0.406243
10,10 0.495996 0.495996 0.495996 0.393348 0.393348 0.393348 0.326844 0.326844 0.326844

Dealer Up Card 6

Dealer hits soft 17


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 -0.0849545
2 -0.0862017 -0.0870263
3 -0.0834591 -0.0842497 -0.0810295
4 -0.0809799 -0.0813097 -0.0784458 -0.0758729
5 -0.0805783 -0.0816844 -0.07883 -0.0763201 -0.0768065
6 -0.00190609 -0.108451 -0.105616 -0.103164 -0.104621 -0.131294
7 0.215166 -0.113461 -0.110684 -0.109126 -0.109542 -0.136248 -0.141234
8 0.446965 -0.116385 -0.114577 -0.112021 -0.112403 -0.139141 -0.144146 -0.145647
9 0.673021 -0.121773 -0.118933 -0.11639 -0.116774 -0.143531 -0.147125 -0.0310553 0.201291
10 1.5 -0.123948 -0.121152 -0.118585 -0.118969 -0.144315 -0.0304939 0.203123 0.436459 0.668303


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0.201887
2 0.173799 0.0507452
3 0.154385 0.0405377 0.0367231
4 0.129642 0.0368562 0.0645152 0.164731
5 0.124604 0.0721867 0.15181 0.25361 0.354212
6 0.131582 0.119677 0.220973 0.325778 0.378908 -0.192225
7 0.181045 0.199017 0.312069 0.366307 -0.178756 -0.283701 -0.374367
8 0.23326 0.301488 0.355332 -0.184372 -0.270568 -0.330419 -0.372986 -0.409377
9 0.275419 0.344151 -0.194949 -0.231223 -0.315459 -0.411515 -0.409917 -0.494407 -0.592827
10 0.339582 -0.160846 -0.233285 -0.313424 -0.397574 -0.409144 -0.494208 -0.592371 -0.709602 -0.845644


hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0.258415
2 0.245963 -0.174053
3 0.239239 -0.1685 -0.145223
4 0.21905 -0.145841 -0.028223 0.185687
5 0.233116 -0.0361489 0.178469 0.430361 0.708425
6 0.263164 0.111237 0.364869 0.651556 0.757817 -0.38445
7 0.362089 0.340631 0.624138 0.732615 -0.357511 -0.567402 -0.748733
8 0.46652 0.602976 0.710663 -0.368744 -0.541136 -0.660837 -0.745971 -0.818754
9 0.550838 0.688303 -0.389898 -0.462445 -0.630919 -0.82303 -0.819833 -0.988813 -1.18565
10 0.679165 -0.321691 -0.46657 -0.626847 -0.795149 -0.818288 -0.988415 -1.18474 -1.4192 -1.69129


RS means replitting allowed or not allowed.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

RS No No No Yes Yes Yes
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.755928 0.755928 0.755928 0.828331 0.828331 0.828331
2,2 0.157711 0.310362 0.268167 0.167491 0.334546 0.288019
3,3 0.14753 0.310796 0.263002 0.158418 0.337436 0.284512
4,4 0.12598 0.288536 0.23329 0.122827 0.296306 0.24012
5,5 0.0927699 0.236913 0.174693 0.0699754 0.193221 0.124869
6,6 0.0235651 0.187043 0.141049 0.0304162 0.200901 0.15293
7,7 0.0516488 0.21009 0.162268 0.0687218 0.241151 0.188999
8,8 0.202707 0.311458 0.308012 0.233169 0.351354 0.347496
9,9 0.340087 0.39366 0.39366 0.351106 0.409097 0.409097
10,10 0.507561 0.507561 0.507561 0.354711 0.354711 0.354711

EXACT SPLITTING (Unique Hands Method)

MH means maximum number of split hands.
DD means doubling down allowed after splitting on 'No' hands, on 'Any' two cards, or only on hands of '10&11'.

MH 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4
DD No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11 No Any 10&11
1,1 0.755927 0.755927 0.755927 0.825003 0.825003 0.825003 0.828699 0.828699 0.828699
2,2 0.157711 0.310362 0.268167 0.167538 0.333787 0.287514 0.168121 0.335157 0.288631
3,3 0.14753 0.310796 0.263002 0.158603 0.336907 0.284146 0.159308 0.338511 0.285424
4,4 0.12598 0.288536 0.23329 0.124034 0.29729 0.240846 0.124 0.297766 0.241361
5,5 0.0927698 0.236913 0.174693 0.0722174 0.197055 0.128698 0.0711685 0.194848 0.126101
6,6 0.0235652 0.187043 0.141049 0.0302638 0.200687 0.152742 0.0302638 0.200687 0.152742
7,7 0.051649 0.21009 0.162268 0.0673985 0.238906 0.187105 0.0682331 0.240441 0.188425
8,8 0.202707 0.311458 0.308012 0.231295 0.348893 0.34513 0.232828 0.350896 0.347113
9,9 0.340087 0.39366 0.39366 0.350152 0.40792 0.40792 0.350618 0.408599 0.408599
10,10 0.507561 0.507561 0.507561 0.413036 0.413036 0.413036 0.351471 0.351471 0.351471